La creixent fragmentació del Parlament, del vot sobiranista, del vot independentista, del vot espanyolista, del vot de dretes, del vot d'esquerres, del vot racista, el xup-xup dins el PSC, les nebuloses propostes de Carod i de Castells (aquestes ràpidament reconduïdes al si del PSC), en fi, tot plegat, em recorda aquell proverbi cantonès que diu:
So many heads, so many hats.
Ho dic en anglès perquè lamentablement no sé cantonès (vull dir cantonès de Canton, Gwong Zau per als amics), i la traducció catalana seria, aproximadament: tants caps, tants barrets. Els anglesos, sempre tan excèntrics, ho fan més difícil: So many heads, so many wits. Tan bé que s'entén el proverbi cantonès...
Tornant a la política catalana, no és gaire original dir que tot plegat em recorda La vida de Brian, però no està de més aquesta sinopsi de la lluita de faccions a la Judea ocupada del film. Diu (com no), la Wikipedia (les negretes són meves):
The 'People's Front of Judea' harangue their 'rivals' with cries of "splitters"; their rivals being The 'Judean People's Front', the 'Judean Popular People's Front', the 'Campaign for a Free Galilee,' and the 'Popular Front of Judea'. The infighting among revolutionary organizations is demonstrated most dramatically when the 'People's Front of Judea' attempts to kidnap Pontius Pilate's wife, but encounters agents of the 'Campaign for a Free Galilee,' and the two factions begin a violent brawl over which of them conceived of the plan first. When Brian exhorts them to cease their fighting to struggle "against the common enemy," the revolutionaries stop and cry in unison, "the Judean People's Front!" However, they soon resume their fighting and, with two Roman legionnaires watching bemusedly, continue until Brian is left the only survivor, at which point he is captured.
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